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International cruises

Cruise vessel in the Stockholm archipelago

Stockholm is a popular destination for international cruises. Surveys show that nine out of ten passengers are pleased or very pleased with their visit.







 Cruise calls

28 281 268 263 230


- 74 67 73 57


40,000 650,000 623,000 600,000  490,000 


Cruise traffic of great importance for Stockholm

Cruise traffic generates EUR 176 million and 1,100 jobs in the Stockholm region. An independent survey shows the economic importance of the international cruise traffic and Stockholm’s power of attraction as a cruise destination. Read more about the survey

Cruise collaborations

Cruise Europe

Network With Stockholm Cruise Network, a network through which Ports of Stockholm deals with the majority of cruise marketing, we work to make sure that Stockholm is on the map of attractive cruise destinations. The objectives are to work in new markets over the long term and to increase the number of turnarounds, which means being the location where passengers begin and/or end their cruises and therefore often choose to spend an extra day and night ashore.

Find out more about Cruise Europe (external link)

Cruise Baltic

We are a member of the Cruise Baltic network and work together with the other countries that surround the Baltic Sea to create an attractive cruise destination. Together those of us who are active within the Baltic Sea can offer a wealth of destinations, attractions and entertainment for all types of passengers.

Find out more about Cruise Baltic (external link)

European Cruise Council, ECC

The ECC is represented by the leading stakeholders active within the cruise industry in Europe. We are one of the participating stakeholders. The Council works to safeguard our interests and the interests other stakeholders in close collaboration with the European Commission and the European Parliament

Environmental focus

For many years Ports of Stockholm has had good capacity facilities for offloading black and grey water in port. The shipping companies are well aware that the environment is a future survival factor and are continuously striving for improvement. Many have their own water management, recycling and waste sorting aboard and for those who do not we are able to provide support for these activities at our ports.

Ports of Stockholm also actively works collaboratively to reduce the impact on the environment.

Find out more about other collaborations and networks

Shipping agents for cruise ships

Tour operators