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EU projects & collaborations

Ports of Stockholm’s international efforts aim to create beneficial conditions for the company's own business operations, which in turn benefit our customers, visitors and residents of Stockholm. Joint initiatives in areas that benefit the environment have been a specific focus in recent years. Collaborations and knowledge-sharing with other actors are essential to achieving change and development. Ports of Stockholm currently participates in the EU projects, partnerships and networks described below.


Coordinated supply of onshore power in Baltic seaports

Ports of Stockholm, together with three other Baltic Sea ports (Copenhagen/Malmö, Aarhus and Helsinki), is participating in the joint EU Coordinated supply of onshore power in Baltic seaports project. The aim of the project is to invest in onshore power connections to supply electricity to cruise ships. This is a joint initiative by the four Baltic Sea ports to reduce emissions of air pollutants from shipping within port areas.

For Ports of Stockholm the project involves equipping quay-berths S167 and S160 at Stadsgården with electricity connections for onshore power supply to vessels. This work will be completed in 2023 and 2024, respectively.

For the project, which runs from 2020 to 2024, Ports of Stockholm has received EU grant funding up to a maximum of EUR 2.3 million from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program.

The Stockholm aspects of the project have also been awarded significant local financial support from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leap program.

Logotype Co-financing EU The logo of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leap program


Upgrade of the Baltic Sea bridge Kapellskär–Naantali – (MoS Finnlink)

Port of Kapellskär is participating, together with the Port of Naantalia, in the EU project Upgrade of the Baltic Sea bridge Kapellskär–Naantali. This project has the goal of strengthening the links between the Port of Kapellskär and the Port of Naantali in Finland. The project involves investments in facilities to supply onshore electricity to vessels at the quayside. Among other benefits, this will reduce vessel air pollutant emissions in port areas. To meet customer demand for services and future needs, an auto-mooring capability will also be installed. A new passenger tower will also be built, the aim of which is to make embarkation and disembarkation easier for foot passengers.

For this project, which runs from 2020 to 2023, Port of Kapellskär has received EU grant funding up to a maximum of EUR 1.6 million from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Motorways of the Seas program framework.

The project activities at the Port of Kapellskär have also been awarded funding from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leap program.

Logotype Co-financing EU The logo of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leap program


Intelligent Sea

Ports of Stockholm, together with Port of Naantali and the Finnish company Arctia (former Meritaito), is participating in the joint EU project Intelligent Sea, which runs from 2018 to 2021. The project aims to improve the safety and efficiency of maritime fairways through digitalization. In the project, floating as well as land-based aids to navigation are equipped with devices for remote monitoring and control as well as environmental sensors.

The fairway data produced by the aids to navigation will be integrated with other fairway and port data by combining several, currently separate, data and control systems into a single digital service cloud. In addition, alternative energy sources will be tested in the fairways.

The project has been granted EU funding of maximum EUR 1,5 million from the EU programme Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

NextGen Link

Ports of Stockholm, together with the Port of Turku, City of Turku, the Port of Mariehamn and Viking Line, participate in the joint EU NextGen Link Project that runs 2017-2021. The focus of the project is to upgrade Turku-Mariehamn-Stockholm shipping connections with a new LNG vessel and to improve infrastructure at the ports.

Viking Line has ordered a new vessel, which means an increased demand for freight handling and efficiency at the ports. Investments in port infrastructure are intended to meet this demand. For Ports of Stockholm the work involves the installation of a new ITS system (intelligent transport system) for efficient terminal operations and traffic control, as well as the creation of a new area for stacking and transit parking at the Stadsgården Port.

The project har been granted EU funding up to a maximum of EUR 11.8 million from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme within the framework of Motorways of the Seas.

Logotype Co-financing EU


The Northern ScanMed Ports – Sustainable Maritime Links

Ports of Stockholm, together with Port of Turku, HaminaKotka, Port of Naantali and Viking Line ran an EU-financed project that aimed to develop environmental services in the ports and reduce the environmental impact from the traffic in the so-called Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor between Sweden and Finland.

Ports of Stockholm’s parts in the project were preparations for onshore power supply in Värtahamnen and Kapellskär and detailed designs for waste water management in Nynäshamn. The project was a Motorways of the Seas project within the Connecting Europe Facility and ran 2014-2016. Read more about the project (pdf)

LNG in Baltic Sea Ports

LNG in Baltic Sea Ports was an EU-funded project aimed at investigating the prerequisites for establishing a functional infrastructure for bunkering (refuelling) vessels with liquefied natural gas, otherwise known as LNG. The more stringent sulphur content restrictions for vessel fuels imposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) formed the basis for the project. LNG is one alternative to the heavy oils that are not allowed in the Baltic Sea anymore.

Ports of Stockholm was one of seven Baltic Sea ports involved in the project, which ran from 2012 to 2014.

Clean Baltic Sea Shipping

Clean Baltic Sea Shipping was an EU prioritised, strategic project for environmental efforts in the Baltic Sea that was completed in 2013. Ports of Stockholm's responsibilities included a sub-project to investigate the possibilities of charging differentiated port fees based on different indices.

PENTA - an EU project focused on the development of Baltic Sea ferry traffic

PENTA was an EU project that was completed in August 2013. The project objectives were to explore alternatives and develop methods for Baltic Sea ports to be able to meet future challenges and improve competitiveness. Among other things, the project examined how the business climate is changing, how environmental impact can be reduced, how the safety of goods and passengers can be improved and how collaboration between the ports can be increased.


BPO – Baltic Ports Organization

The Baltic Ports Organization represents the interests of ports in the Baltic Sea. The BPO plays an important role, for example when it comes to reaching a consensus on new regulations that exclusively concern the Baltic Sea region.
Link to BPO website (external link)

Cruise Baltic

Cruise Baltic is a collaboration of Baltic Sea cruise destinations with the objective of providing cruise options with fully integrated port and city operations.
Link to Cruise Baltic website (external link)

Cruise Europe

Cruise Europe is a network for the promotion of cruise ship traffic in Europe.
Link to Cruise Europe website (external link)

C40 Green Ports Forum

A forum in the form of a network of major cities throughout the world working to mitigate climate change was established in 2021. The Green Ports Forum is led by the Port of Los Angeles and aims to bring cities and ports throughout the world together for the common purpose of focussing on environmental and climate initiatives concerning shipping and port operational activities.

ESPO - European Sea Ports Organisation

The European Sea Ports Organisation represents all of the ports in EU member countries. ESPO ensures that the ports have a distinct voice within Europe.
Link to ESPO website (external link)

IACP/AIVP – International Association of Cities and Ports

The IACP/AIVP is an international network of public and private stakeholders involved in the sustainable development of port cities.
Link to IACP/AIVP website (external link)

IHMA – International Harbour Masters Association

The IHMA has the aim of promoting safe and efficient shipping in ports and related areas. The members of the organisation are mainly harbour masters from all around the world.
Link to IHMA website (external link)

PIANC – International Navigation Association

The PIANC works to support shipping by promoting the planning, design, construction, improvement, upkeep and operation of shipping lanes, ports and coastal areas, among other things.
Link to PIANC website (external link)

Ports of Sweden

The industry and employers' organisation Ports of Sweden represents the interests of all of the ports in the country.

Agreements with other ports

An important tool in being able to attain stringent environmental targets is to work together with ports from which there are regular sailings to Stockholm. Ports of Stockholm has signed joint initiative agreements with the Port of Helsinki, the Port of Turku and the Port of Tallinn to manage black and grey water and to provide electricity connections for vessels in port, among other things.