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Environmental work

Hoses for managing black and grey water

Ports of Stockholm works actively, long-term and strategically for sustainable port operations and shipping. Environmental efforts are an integrated part of the daily operations.

Systematic environmental efforts

Ports of Stockholm is quality and environment standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. This means that the company works in a structured and systematic way to achieve continuous improvements and reduced environmental impact.

Ports of Stockholm has an operating policy that includes environmental guidelines. Each year a sustainability report is prepared that demonstrates how the company works to achieve sustainable development, and the result of these efforts. The sustainability report is part of Ports of Stockholm's annual report.

Ports of Stockholm's environmental aspects illustrate the effects operations have on the environment and environmental targets have been developed based on these effects. Each year the company works with different activities in order to reach its environmental targets.

Ports of Stockholm works, among other things, with energy efficiency improvements and to reduce fossil fuel emissions. The company also chooses good materials, imposes environmental purchasing requirements and works according to recycling principles.

For Ports of Stockholm it is important to work together with shipping companies, tenants and other stakeholders in order to contribute to also reducing customers' environmental impact. The company therefore offer the possibilities for vessels to offload black and grey water in port, connect to onshore power supply and manage waste for tenants and vessels.

Ports of Stockholm's environmental targets

  • Greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution from shipping at Ports of Stockholm quays will be reduced by 25 percent from 2019 to 2025.
  • No emissions of fossil carbon dioxide from Ports of Stockholm work vehicles in 2025.
  • Ports of Stockholm's business must be fossil free by 2030.
  • The relative energy use of Ports of Stockholm's operations will be reduced by 5 percent from 2019 to 2023.
  • Percentage of waste from Ports of Stockholm's operations recycled or reused will increase, and will 2023 amount to at least 80 percent.

An important aspect is also collaboration with other stakeholders. Read more about EU projects and collaborations